If anyone like me, has ever worked delivery and gotten an asshole irate customer with no patience in bad weather. This is for you.
I will admit, I am a fucking wimp. I cant imagine what pizza delivery drivers go through in Oklahoma. Customer, "Can you get my pizza to me before the F-5 levels my house?" I cant imagine what a pizza delivery driver goes through in Hawaii. Customer, "Can you get my pizza to me before the lava flow burns down my house." Meanwhile in Japan, "That's nothing, we deliver during tsunamis". California, "I know you are trapped in the collapsed garage, but how cold will my pizza be?"
Having worked in pizza delivery in bad weather, to the customers. JUST FUCKING KNOCK IT OFF! We are not 9-1-1, we are not EMTs so if you are dying CALL 9-1-1, otherwise HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE.
I have literally had customers call me up during ice storms, and scream EVEN when it isn't over 30 minutes, "Where is my pizza?"
My response, FUCK YOU, you're not paying for my car insurance or hospital bills.
I will admit, I am a fucking wimp. I cant imagine what pizza delivery drivers go through in Oklahoma. Customer, "Can you get my pizza to me before the F-5 levels my house?" I cant imagine what a pizza delivery driver goes through in Hawaii. Customer, "Can you get my pizza to me before the lava flow burns down my house." Meanwhile in Japan, "That's nothing, we deliver during tsunamis". California, "I know you are trapped in the collapsed garage, but how cold will my pizza be?"
Having worked in pizza delivery in bad weather, to the customers. JUST FUCKING KNOCK IT OFF! We are not 9-1-1, we are not EMTs so if you are dying CALL 9-1-1, otherwise HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE.
I have literally had customers call me up during ice storms, and scream EVEN when it isn't over 30 minutes, "Where is my pizza?"
My response, FUCK YOU, you're not paying for my car insurance or hospital bills.