I say, "No harm no foul". Sin is the lame cunt imagination of someone whom wants to know what I did. Non of your bees-wax! I don't care what anyone think of me. Or, what I do!
I do know that I will make an answer for my life to God someday. And only Him! I will refuse to be embarrassed for loving the Valkyrie!
"Bill, what is it like to love and be loved by the Valkyrie?
Well...you don't believe in heaven. I LIVE IT!
I do know that I will make an answer for my life to God someday. And only Him! I will refuse to be embarrassed for loving the Valkyrie!
"Bill, what is it like to love and be loved by the Valkyrie?
Well...you don't believe in heaven. I LIVE IT!
My girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker. Well...she's not my girlfriend "yet".
I discovered a new vitamin that fights cancer. I call it ...B9
I also invented a diet pill. It works great but had to quit taking it because of the side effects. Turns out my penis is larger and my hair grew back. And whoa! If you think my hair is nice!
When does size truly matter? When it's TOO big!
I'm currently working on a new pill I call "Destenze". However...now my shoes don't fit.
I discovered a new vitamin that fights cancer. I call it ...B9
I also invented a diet pill. It works great but had to quit taking it because of the side effects. Turns out my penis is larger and my hair grew back. And whoa! If you think my hair is nice!
When does size truly matter? When it's TOO big!
I'm currently working on a new pill I call "Destenze". However...now my shoes don't fit.