At work.
I thought it came down to good buisness practice.
Do you, as a buisness owner, want to have the largest market share possible?
If not, then accept the profit loss and 'Move on'.
I perfectly understand buisnesses being able to have the ability to NOT provide services to clients.
Pretty sure there's no law forcing such. After all, a buisness should not be forced to service an organization such as the KKK, for example.
I hope my rambling reply helps a tad.

I thought it came down to good buisness practice.
Do you, as a buisness owner, want to have the largest market share possible?
If not, then accept the profit loss and 'Move on'.
I perfectly understand buisnesses being able to have the ability to NOT provide services to clients.
Pretty sure there's no law forcing such. After all, a buisness should not be forced to service an organization such as the KKK, for example.
I hope my rambling reply helps a tad.