I finally got it fixed - and figured out what the moron did.
He (had to be a he - women stop before fucking things up this badly) must have somehow broke the sparkplug off at the base of the plug - leaving the 12mm treaded steel tip in the head.
He then attempted to beat the plug out with a chisel - before using a EZout to remove it.
The only way I can see how you could do this??? Trying to remove the plug - with clockwise pressure.
Demand your Congresscritter act now to pass Tool Control legislation.
He (had to be a he - women stop before fucking things up this badly) must have somehow broke the sparkplug off at the base of the plug - leaving the 12mm treaded steel tip in the head.
He then attempted to beat the plug out with a chisel - before using a EZout to remove it.
The only way I can see how you could do this??? Trying to remove the plug - with clockwise pressure.
Demand your Congresscritter act now to pass Tool Control legislation.