(March 13, 2019 at 12:59 pm)CDF47 Wrote: That is good to know for the most part. One thing I disagree with though, is that I have a layman's understanding of this topic. I've studied the topic pretty extensively and I was schooled in science and engineering through a bacehlor's degree in ME. I have more than a layman's understanding of this.
By the way, the international conspiracy is through the secret societies, like the Freemasons, which exist all over the world.
You have an education in depth in one particular field. This is good.
On the topic about which we are having these posts? You're like me.
A lay-person who's able to read articles such as 'New Scientist' I'm betting (Please feel free to elucidate your level of reading, though) that you're about the same.
I socialise with folks who have double batcheors etc. Yes, in their fields they know such fundamental nuts and bolts about their feild such that they have to take a five or ten minute break/time out just to boot strap me into a level of undestanding about the thing they then want to explain/expand something upon to me.
In things like genetics and such CDF47? We're (You and me) fekkin' morons.
If people such as Mr Dawkins et all say Fundamentalist Christians are simply wrong about the things they are espousing in regards to said fields... Who shold we put more credit to?
If I want to engineer something. Should I seek out your consultation?
Or should I seek out some one who's got the skills set for decorativly placing icing on a dessert?
Pleae, again, don't get me wrong. I also know professional chefs. My heartfelt respect to such folks. It's also an art as much as a science. I'm not going to ask my Chef mate about quantum mechanics, though.
Are we in agreement? Or at leasst a better understanding of one another?
Not at work.