(March 19, 2019 at 6:16 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: Usually when I wake up I have no memories of what I've dreamed. Sometimes I know what is happening in a dream right before waking up, and after I wake up I completely forget the dream. My sleep is pretty deep, is it because of that?
This is normal. Most dreams are not remembered. It isn't just you.
I will add, not commenting on you personally, but a general comment to anyone reading this.
I am no fan of anyone claiming dreams have any sort of predictive powers. The main reason we remember some is due to both positive and negative reasons,
They can be remembered in anticipation to something you are looking forward to, like a date, or a trip. I've had some good dreams falling a sleep with the TV on with the infomercial "Girls Gone Wild".
But then you can have bad dreams, do to stress from lots of things, prior trauma from abuse, or PTSD from seeing violence, or stress over fear of failing a test, or fear of your boss firing you. And even nightmares about superstitious things from false beliefs, or watching a horror movie.
When I was a kid, and didn't know any better, and was feed superstitions growing up, I did believe in things like ghosts. I even had very vivid dreams of seeing my dead grandmother and dead adoptive father. Those felt as real as if you and I were to be talking in reality face to face. I know now looking back, that was merely my brain fooling me,
If you are having dreams that are disturbing you, ones that stress you out, the core thing one can accept is that they are just that, dreams. The more you work on accepting that, the less they stress you out and will eventually be minimized. Other things that can minimize the stress of a bad dream is a good diet, regular sleep cycle and exercise.
But ultimately just know they are just that, dreams. They can feel very real, but that is just your brain playing hooky, be they good dreams or bad dreams.