1. The universe is 6,000-10,000 years old and complexity in nature is the result of intelligent design.
2. God created the earth in a perfect state in which there was no sin, disease, rot, death, and etc.
3. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world. Along with sin came disease, rot, death, and etc.
4. Viruses and harmful bacteria are among the causes of disease. These are complex organisms* and hence are intelligently designed. The effects of disease are the result of these organisms reproducing themselves.
5. Since disease did not exist prior to sin, viruses and harmful bacteria did not exist either.**
6. Sin has no will, consciousness, or ability to do anything. Some theologians do not even believe sin actually exists, analogous to how coldness does not truly exist but instead is a lack of heat (or holiness in the case of sin). And yet, despite being functionally indistinguishable from nothingness, sin was able to effectively match the intelligent design put forth by God.
7. An effect brought about with no discernible cause and guided by no intelligence whatsoever should be indistinguishable from randomness.
8. Therefore, young earth creationists believe that complex organisms spontaneously popped into existence out of nothing by accident.
*Viruses are not technically alive.
**Or harmful bacteria did exist, but either were unable to metabolize (yet miraculously continued to live) or else metabolized but the effects miraculously did not manifest as disease. Further, viruses were inexplicably dormant. Somehow, sin caused these miracles to permanently cease.
2. God created the earth in a perfect state in which there was no sin, disease, rot, death, and etc.
3. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world. Along with sin came disease, rot, death, and etc.
4. Viruses and harmful bacteria are among the causes of disease. These are complex organisms* and hence are intelligently designed. The effects of disease are the result of these organisms reproducing themselves.
5. Since disease did not exist prior to sin, viruses and harmful bacteria did not exist either.**
6. Sin has no will, consciousness, or ability to do anything. Some theologians do not even believe sin actually exists, analogous to how coldness does not truly exist but instead is a lack of heat (or holiness in the case of sin). And yet, despite being functionally indistinguishable from nothingness, sin was able to effectively match the intelligent design put forth by God.
7. An effect brought about with no discernible cause and guided by no intelligence whatsoever should be indistinguishable from randomness.
8. Therefore, young earth creationists believe that complex organisms spontaneously popped into existence out of nothing by accident.
*Viruses are not technically alive.
**Or harmful bacteria did exist, but either were unable to metabolize (yet miraculously continued to live) or else metabolized but the effects miraculously did not manifest as disease. Further, viruses were inexplicably dormant. Somehow, sin caused these miracles to permanently cease.
Jesus is like Pinocchio. He's the bastard son of a carpenter. And a liar. And he wishes he was real.