again why do you quote scriptures as facts. they are not facts of anything except a bunch of drunk guys have a really twisted fucked up imagination. thats if you believe the bible was written actually by the 12 gay guys with jesus. secondly there is heresay in when the bible was actually written. if you take what the gay guys say then yes it would have been the 1st centruy. but they have already fucked up the bedtime story more than once and if very very very unreliable. so move further down the line who would have benifited most by brainwashing their society to control them. I actually don't know, but i'm not going to say for a fact it was anyone. but if i was to put money on it. king fredrick the 2nd was also a pretty twisted nut job....but the crusades never happend did
Bill Maher: If you believe that the world is going to come to an end - and perhaps any day now - does it not drain one's motivation to improve life on earth while we're here?