(April 26, 2019 at 1:49 am)Nay_Sayer Wrote: You outta meet em, It could help you cleanse that full anus of yours, ma'am.
My guess was yonbonjovi was having butt issues.
Here are the recently updated forum guidelines:
Quote:The Purpose of Atheist Forums and its Prime Directive
The forums were created for the purpose of providing friendly discussion and debate between atheists and other like-minded individuals, as well as theists. Theists are more than welcome to join and enter into discussions, but please bear in mind the nature of this community when entering into a discussion.
We believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression, which means members can discuss their ideas without fear of censorship or limitation, provided they are not breaking the rules & guidelines below. In the interests of communication, we ask that members do not diverge from definitions of words that are found in established dictionaries.
Prime Directive: The purpose of these forums is first and foremost to allow members to discuss various topics with people who may disagree. The staff believe that the best discussions are those that stay polite and friendly. Therefore, the staff reserves the right to act against disruptive behaviors whenever necessary, as defined by staff and at its sole discretion.
I have added the red color to show where you are diverging from the guidelines.