(October 12, 2011 at 9:03 pm)reverendjeremiah Wrote: No..Im pretty much on the mark with the compass I used. Of course there are other compasses available.. Feel free to share the links if you bring them up so i can try them.
P.S. - I cant see you image..only a dot.
Yeah nevermind i got it wrong...
and forget about the image it ended stupid
Anyway here the best political scale
![[Image: 550px-NS_politicalmap.png]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=upload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2F8%2F85%2FNS_politicalmap.png%2F550px-NS_politicalmap.png)
Here the legends be
Quote:Anarchy (Liberal: Post-Revolution Embryonic Society) (Conservative: Lawless Wasteland)
Authoritarian Democracy (Liberal: Mouth-Breathing Creationists) (Conservative: Slightly Oppressive But A Little Discipline Never Hurt Anyone State)
Benevolent Dictatorship (Liberal: Temporary Liberal State of Emergency) (Conservative: Temporary Conservative State of Emergency)
Capitalist Paradise (Liberal: Corporate Slave State) (Conservative: Decent Hard Working Self-Starters)
Capitalizt (Liberal: Self-Congratulatory Merchant Bankers) (Conservative: Freedom-Loving Libertarians)
Civil Rights Lovefest (Liberal: Brave Progressives) (Conservative: Nation-Hating Hippies)
Compulsory Consumerist State (Liberal: Consumerist Wage Drones) (Conservative: Aspirational Workers State)
Conservative Democracy (Liberal: Conservative Hell) (Conservative: Conservative Paradise)
Corporate Bordello (Liberal: Blood-Sucking Capitalist Leeches) (Conservative: Patriotic Business Zone)
Corporate Police State (Liberal: Halliburton) (Conservative: Entrepreneurial Freedom Zone)
Corrupt Dictatorship (Liberal: Well-Meaning Dictatorship) (Conservative: Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship)
Democratic Socialists (Liberal: Ordinary Caring Intelligent World Citizens) (Conservative: Hell)
Father/Mother Knows Best State (Liberal: Suspiciously Conservative Democracy) (Conservative: Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship)
Free Market Paradise (Liberal: Randriods) (Conservative: Paradise)
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy (Liberal: Fascists) (Conservative: Communists)
Iron Fist Consumerists (Liberal: Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors) (Conservative: Champions of Commerce)
Iron Fist Socialists (Liberal: Equality and Tolerance Society) (Conservative: Inevitably Bloody Results of Liberal Ideals Mugged by Reality)
Left-Leaning College State (Liberal: Paradise) (Conservative: Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites)
Left-Wing Utopia (Liberal: Utopia) (Conservative: Drugged Out Hippies)
Liberal Democratic Socialists (Liberal: Open-Minded Education State) (Conservative: Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone)
Libertarian Police State (Liberal: Slightly Overzealous Peoples Democracy) (Conservative: Government Enforced Political Correctness Society)
Moralistic Democracy (Liberal: Narrow-Minded Backwoodsy Bigots) (Conservative: Ordinary Decent Hard Working People)
New York Times Democracy (Liberal: Corporate-Dominated Sham Democracy) (Conservative: New York Crimes So-Called Democracy)
Psychotic Dictatorship (Liberal: Fascist Dictatorship) (Conservative: Communist Dictatorship)
Right-Wing Utopia (Liberal: Corrupt Thieving Uneducated Fascist Fundamentalists) (Conservative: Utopia)
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise (Liberal: Normal) (Conservative: Gay Marriage State)
Tyranny By Majority (Liberal: Tyranny by Bourgeois) (Conservative: Thieves)