(August 3, 2019 at 1:15 pm)Anomalocaris Wrote: You can place large sunshades in around a 30k km orbit around Venus. These would shadow any given area for appropriate lengths once every 24 hours during the Venusian day and create artificial night. Similarly large reflectors in the same orbit can illuminate any given area once every 12 hours during Venusian night and create artificial day.
Large reflectors and sunshades can be very light, made of aluminized synthetic membrane small fraction of millimeters thick. Such a sunshade 1000 km on a side would still only weigh a few thousand tons. Preserving the appearance of an earth like circadian rhythm would not be totally insurmountable even with present day technology let along with an technology equal to fully terraforming the earth.
The fact that Venus rotates backwards is no problem. Nothing I can think of depends on any planet rotating prograde.
Oh. Was just commenting on the amount of 'Hours' a Venusian day would have because of the borked rotation. Push the spin up a bit more, even if it is 'back wards, to get something closer to a 'Normal' day/night cycle.
Otherwise the amount of energy comming into the venusian system will/might have to be mittigateda tad by 'Shades' and such.

Not at work.