Once, there was an America that was not only admired, it was an aspiration.
The pinacle of cutting edge engineering, achievement, science, enlightment.
That day has passed. America has willingly made itself a third world, religiuos dictatorship of mere populism. The lowest common denominator is victorious.
I take no pleasure in that fall. I mourn it. The US was once an asperation and achiever of excellence. For whatever reasons, it has turned itself into a third world banana republic.
I cannot do anything about that. I can only watch with regret for the tragedy of the descent of a once great nation. It saddens me.
The pinacle of cutting edge engineering, achievement, science, enlightment.
That day has passed. America has willingly made itself a third world, religiuos dictatorship of mere populism. The lowest common denominator is victorious.
I take no pleasure in that fall. I mourn it. The US was once an asperation and achiever of excellence. For whatever reasons, it has turned itself into a third world banana republic.
I cannot do anything about that. I can only watch with regret for the tragedy of the descent of a once great nation. It saddens me.