I've often found the predictions of my Christian brothers and sisters of the coming persecution a little far fetched. But here, in this thread, I find the ideas and hatred towards Christians that make those predictions a little more believable. I have no hesitation in describing you as Nazis and Stalinists.
Now if I lived in 1938 Berlin I wouldn't bother to sit down with some guy and try to discuss with him the Jewish Problem. " Hans, do you really think the Jews stabbed Germany in the back in 1918 and don't you think the Nuremberg Laws might go a bit too far? Can't we talk this through?" The same goes for people here who propose using the power of the state, through child welfare laws, to prevent Christian parents from teaching their children Christianity. And of course the same arguments would apply to Muslim parents.
Now, this website is of course the absolute bottom of the barrel. But still, not only are you scoffers and intellectual frauds but now you are my enemy. And I mean that in earnest. Thanks for the warning signals. See you in the streets.
Now if I lived in 1938 Berlin I wouldn't bother to sit down with some guy and try to discuss with him the Jewish Problem. " Hans, do you really think the Jews stabbed Germany in the back in 1918 and don't you think the Nuremberg Laws might go a bit too far? Can't we talk this through?" The same goes for people here who propose using the power of the state, through child welfare laws, to prevent Christian parents from teaching their children Christianity. And of course the same arguments would apply to Muslim parents.
Now, this website is of course the absolute bottom of the barrel. But still, not only are you scoffers and intellectual frauds but now you are my enemy. And I mean that in earnest. Thanks for the warning signals. See you in the streets.