it's an interesting topic. i think people generally believe what sounds nice, just because they want to believe it. I was going to watch a nat geo special online the other day and read a comment about it that claimed that nat geo had been compromised, and not to rely on their information. this person said that Rupert Murdoch and FOX owned nat geo and it can't be trusted. the unsure skeptic in me couldn't resist! i looked it up, and sure enough, FOX owns 75% of the nat geo channel.
this didn't stop me from watching it. i made notes as i watched it, and although i haven't had time yet, i intend on researching, fact checking, and contemplating the data i collected from the film. not everyone would. perhaps therein the problem lies?
@apophenia- i love your signature! aleister crowley is one of my favorite poets. he inspired my daughter's name. (aleia)
this didn't stop me from watching it. i made notes as i watched it, and although i haven't had time yet, i intend on researching, fact checking, and contemplating the data i collected from the film. not everyone would. perhaps therein the problem lies?
@apophenia- i love your signature! aleister crowley is one of my favorite poets. he inspired my daughter's name. (aleia)