(June 22, 2020 at 11:50 am)Drich Wrote:(June 19, 2020 at 2:42 pm)Rev. Rye Wrote: It was never just about Floyd. It's about the fact that every year, hundreds of black people die in circumstances similar to Floyd, maybe not by a publicly-filmed 8-minute, 46-second knee choke, but still dead at the hands of police for reasons that are often trivial (note: while overall, white people may make up the absolute majority of those killed by cops, the fact remains that black people are still killed at a higher rate than white people, about 6.6 per million vs 2.5 per million; scroll down on the Mapping Police Violence to see the statistics), and, on an even broader scope, the racist society that helps foster the problem. And here's a sort of primer into the phoenomenon of systemic racism in America:the facts on the videos were true at one time no problems or issues with that. but this is not 1970 anymore. Schools don't work that way yes they are funded of of property tax but all property tax get put into a big fund and the schools are issued funds depending on volume of students now. not white or black. plus the only 'red lining being does it to segregate those in government housing from those who own their own homes. (you can not get loan against a home the government owns. work in the inner city I also know that money is looked at very differently while one can argue most whites are taught to save and invest most black people feel like they have to maintain an image. Most black people do not know how to be poor and pull themselves out. as far as getting jobs there are mandated numbers the demand the hiring of minorities, plus subsidies and tax breaks. that is stupid point to make if both are qualified. even with owning home as a white person i would not have been able to qualify for my HUD loan but as a minority the the expectation of credit score was lower and i got a super rate where as if i were white with that score i would not have qualified. (which is why the mortgage is in my name and not my wife and i's name as she being white would disqualify us for the loan.) not to mention the different loans and subsidies being a minority business owner. if you are white you are on your own. I have never cashed in on this but i have several thousand dollars in grant money and loan opportunities at like a government mandated 1%. I could have also attended collage as a Korean even though i could not read and my grades were shite and my sat's were shite. again i refused to bump someone who was legitly qualified when i wasnt.
And here's a video by Three Arrows that goes into more detail, debunking many of Ben Shapiro's arguments against the existence of systemic racism:
You can argue about exceptions, even from your own experience, but bear in mind: A) The occasional exception doesn't undermine the concept as a whole, and B) the challenges of being half-Korean aren't the same as the challenges of being black.
Seriously, thinking it was ever just about Floyd would require you living under a rock since at least Obama’s second term, and is as absurd as thinking the French Revolution was about some guy in the court of Louis XVI losing his keys.
The nail in the coffin for systemic racism is why do all other minorities even 1 gen off the boat Africans do so well in this country when black Americans born here dont? for instance Nigerian people who immigrate here are THE most successful immigrant group of people int he world. why? because they qualify for all of the different funding programs grants and BS we set up for Black Americans. but they work like hell and save and spend their money responsibly. If systemic racism against "African Americans' by whites was legit then the Nigerians would be feeling the pain as well... but the don't in fact they uses the system that is meant to give black Americans so much of a head start for themselves.
Again the take away here is if racism was systemic targeting black people then 1 gen blacks from Africa would also be a target. clearly this is not the case. culture, family values, being the missing elements.
(June 19, 2020 at 11:27 pm)ignoramus Wrote: I will support any actions which will stabilize the bell curve and bring prosperity back to the middle class.
At the moment 40% of Americans don't have $400 for an emergency.
What went wrong? It's never been this bad. The riots were for George, but it has now snowballed to reveal a plethora of other gross injustices to the way of life for Mr average.
Mr average IS the backbone of every country. A major overhaul on a global scale is overdue. Greed and corruption is always the reason. Who's been there from the start?
Bankers. Now morphed into a legitimate sounding entity like The Federal Reserve Bank of America. They're not federal, they don't have any reserves and they don't represent the wellbeing of Americans.
Don't take the word of an ignoramus.
this is all crap too. under trump the numbers for the poor and impoverished were never so high unemployment never so low, and the standard of living was going up. poor people were getting raises. you guys are just parroting fake news.
(June 20, 2020 at 11:20 am)Abaddon_ire Wrote: They will get off or at best get a nominal sentence. This has all happened before and will likely happen again. The civil unrest is a statement that this will not be tolerated yet again.
Who does it benefit? Every person of colour who survives because some rambo cop thinks twice in the future before murdering them in cold blood.
don't googled besides floyd and mr drunk at the wendys to whom do you speak? what is the man of color's name?
Not "men of colour". They are men, no more, no less. And there are many names. Which would you like? You racist abhomination.