(June 23, 2020 at 10:00 am)The Grand Nudger Wrote: You can't really believe that marxists have taken over the us education system and taught americans to hate capitalism, can you? Are you speaking from your vast experience as an australian with us schools?if not Marxists by sworn allegiance Marxists by word thought and leftists deeds. as Marxists utopiasim is the ultimate goal for their new one world order.
Quote:Anywho, The Donald is very much the leader of an american fascist party. Let's check off boxes, shall we?ill give you that./dont care..
Ultra-nationalism and authoritarianism.
Quote:The demonization and persecution of minorities.name a policy or law signed into order that intentionally persecutes citizens of a minority race.
Quote:A cult of the leader.what cult? do yu mean the republican party? if so does that make the 'dims' a cult as well?
maybe start with defining cult, as most of you use that word as a filler and dont really understand it's meaning.
Quote:Demagogic appeals to ignored masses and a treacherous establishment.examples and citations please?
Quote:Contempt for parliamentary institutions.define parliamentary institutions and please give specific examples?again examples and citations.
[quote]Disregard for the law while asserting a law and order platform.
Quote:Control of the media and suppression of criticism or dissent.the fact that they crap on him every day shows this to be an outrageous lie, or a personal truth from someone not objectively stable enough to have this discussion. as delusion has taken control of your brain... Maybe hopfully for yoursake we are in a sim and they are simply feeding you polar opposite information, that in your world Donald trump is a monster and that makes you accusation right.. but here in C-130 also known as the real world you sound like someone off their nut.
Quote:Empty promises of everything to everyone.he fulfilled more in his first 100 days than obama did in 8 years. and that is with bogus accusations and phony trials and a attempted coup.
Quote:The promotion of force as a means to an end.hey retard, when obama doubbled down in the middle east trump put an end to the war with drawn troops and i know we are in civil unrest at the moment but know every other instance of civil unrest was under obama.
Quote:There's a reason that antifa opposes the policies, positions, and followers of trumpism.they are the war end of the deep government swamp trump is draining and exposing.
Quote: Whatever you might think about antifas politics; that they're marxistsbecause they are too busy being fascists/acting out what they pretend to stand against. those who pay to have antifa and blm bussed in on the same busses are the Marxists.
Quote:(and whatever you may think about marxists)...all of the above applies. You can oppose BLM, and you can oppose marxism, but being opposed to either won't make Trumpism any less of a fascist movement. Here in the US...and I am speaking from experience with our school system, we're taught to oppose fascism. American republicans oppose fascism. American democrats oppose fascism.example and citation please.
Quote: American socialists oppose fascism. American communists oppose fascism. American anarchists oppose fascism. The united states, by design and by culture and by education, is an explicitly antifacist state.which is why trump is in power.