(July 16, 2020 at 6:53 am)ModusPonens1 Wrote: Am I the only one who is bothered by quantum mechanics being referred to as "spooky"?
Quantum mechanics is very strange but I dislike words like "spooky" or "mysterious" because they seem to have woo-y connotations to me. Anybody else feel this way?
Well, it is, of course, a play off of Einstein's criticism of 'spooky action at a distance' in reference to entanglement.
But there is certainly *way* to much woo associated with QM. There *is* a lot strange in it, but mostly because of those attempting to understand it in terms of classical concepts.
This is backwards: we explain the old ideas in terms of the new not the other way around. QM is the new set of ideas that works better than the old, classical ideas.