I don't know if we have a unique breed of idiot in this area - or if it's widespread.
Morons in pickup trucks sporting bigassed flags.
Usually an American flag on one side - and either a Marine Corps, Army or Confederate on the other side (the last being a double idiot).
Sometimes you see them on a car - and while also stupid - almost makes you feel sorry for the impotent little bastard. He obviously can't afford a truck.
I can't think of any good reason for these self-styled mono-parades - other than the "look at me, ain't I special" factor.
Like any other circus freak, flagboy..
Morons in pickup trucks sporting bigassed flags.
Usually an American flag on one side - and either a Marine Corps, Army or Confederate on the other side (the last being a double idiot).
Sometimes you see them on a car - and while also stupid - almost makes you feel sorry for the impotent little bastard. He obviously can't afford a truck.
I can't think of any good reason for these self-styled mono-parades - other than the "look at me, ain't I special" factor.
Like any other circus freak, flagboy..