Since about 30 AD (as I recall) they have been predicting dates for the end of the world. Most notably at the end of the 1500's people were sure the end of the world was upon them. All the signs pointed to it. The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse (what were they...conquest, war,famine and death) had been running amok all over Europe for quite some time. The Antichrist had been properly identified as the pope (they had a series of possible popes to give this accolade to. When one died it was given to the next bastard). Nature itself participated in this by having several years of unusually bad weather. The end was near. When this didn't pan out it left opportunity for future generations to predict the end of the world
Notably the founder of the 7th day Adventists had predicted the end of the world...and made a killing off of ascension robes he was selling. When the date passed with no Jesus he changed the date. His followers liked the religion so much that they decided to keep it despite being left behind twice.
Millennalism is important to Christian Fundamentalism. I ought to start a forum thread on this. In fact I think I will.
Notably the founder of the 7th day Adventists had predicted the end of the world...and made a killing off of ascension robes he was selling. When the date passed with no Jesus he changed the date. His followers liked the religion so much that they decided to keep it despite being left behind twice.
Millennalism is important to Christian Fundamentalism. I ought to start a forum thread on this. In fact I think I will.