(August 19, 2020 at 1:03 am)The Valkyrie Wrote: Hit it with a hammer.
It works in IT, engineering, and cardiology.
When I built my first Triumph engine -a 1973 45 inch (750 cc) Bonneville - upon assembling the crankcase halves I noticed that the main cranks bearings were dragging causing the crankshaft to bind.
I figured I did something wrong - so I disassembled it back to base components and inspected everything. All looked normal.
I reassembled it - and again, the crankshaft felt bound.
This was in the pre-internet days - so I called Kevin McDonald - a real Triumph gearhead.
I explained my problem. He immediately answered "Have you got a soft lead hammer?" Being a machinist, I did and told him so.
He said - "Give the crankshaft two solid whacks on the alternator end of the shaft."
It sounded like voodoo to me - but what could it hurt?
I cradled the phone on my shoulder - picked up my lead hammer and whacked the end of the shaft twice.
The crank turned smoothly with no resistance.
WTF? I asked....
Kevin: You just gotta show the motherfucker who's boss .....
(Reality - it imparts the necessary end play)