(September 20, 2020 at 4:10 pm)Greatest I am Wrote: Why is Jesus in third place when he deserves first?
Jesus says he is doing his fathers will and not his own. This diminishes him.
We can curse Yahweh and Jesus, but not the Holy Ghost. This elevates the H G above Jesus.
Yahweh created a chimera son and then showed himself to be a deadbeat dad. This reduces him.
Jesus died for us while Yahweh shirked his duty to his child. Right?
This diminishes Yahweh and elevates Jesus.
I think Jesus should be elevated, thanks to those facts.
The religions sorely need a judge and logos and using that Jesus archetype and scrapping the Yahweh archetype is what Jesus was trying to tell us.
I think Yahweh should take third place. Better still, eliminate third place and the adoration of a genocidal and immoral god.
Why is Jesus in third place in the Trinity when he deserves first place, above the genocidal one, unless you see Jesus doing genocide at the end of days?
in that middle eastern culture at that time the oldest son or the first born son took the role of executor of the father's estate. he basically did the will of the father. As does Jesus does the will of his father. He does this because that is his role in the trinity. why? because he knows his role and is content living it. just like i am content in my limitations and role. while you may only see the limits placed on me i know i have progressed much further than if i were to try and do all of this on my own. It is better to be the servant/slave of a rich man who watches out and cares for you than to be given the illusion of freedom by an evil one who wants you to fail. The story of joseph comes to mind he served the pharaoh of egypt so well pharaoh made him second in command of the whole country. he had free reign over the whole country and ruled as if it were his.. only pharaoh himself could over rule joseph the slave of the great and mighty.. where as his supposedly 'free brothers' (who sold him into slavery) starved and had to go to joseph to survive.