It slays me that his son and other supporters are now crying foul at people who....shall we say.....don't wish him well. Calling things like saying it's Karma as being "below the belt." Well, nothing, I repeat NOTHING has been below the belt as far as they are concerned when it comes out of Trump's mouth. He's mocked, railed against, blasted (or worse) disabled people, children separated from their parents, Mexicans in any and every form, the military (living and dead), women, his own cabinet members, MASKS, women, peaceful protesters, rape victims, sexual assault victims, Iowans, Biden, President Obama, President Clinton, women, reporters, the media in general, the pope.....let's be real, NOBODY is above his disdain. So how on earth can his defenders have a damn thing to say about anyone who uses their right to free speech to say ANYTHING about him now. Bunch of fucking snowflakes.
Where are we going and why am I in this hand basket?