(June 14, 2009 at 1:25 am)Samson Wrote: Kyu and EvF...
So it's ok for us to put down an "Animal" when it gets out of control, but we can't put down a human that has became an animal when they do..........Yeah, makes perfect sense...Bottom line is, a human that has became a savage beast (Animal) has lost their right to be a human in society. They have lost their humanity, and should be treated as an animal.
Yes Kyu, I do get your point on the flaws of humanity and putting someone's life in stupid peoples hands.
As far as a "blood-lust" like Kyu so elegantly put it, you are damn right..Someone rapes or kills my family they will die if someone does not get to them first. Call it revenge, vengeance, punishment, I could give a rats ass how it's defined... You hurt my family, you will be hurt back. Hey, and I still stand by my statements above. If the people feel that I have became an animal for killing a man that raped or killed my daughters or wife, then so be it, I would die for my family, simple as that.
Well as I said I would only be "for" TDP if it could be simply a 'putting down' like of a rabid dog... - as you suggest.
For sake of argument let's say we hypothetically really do know that someone is guilty...I would see no reason to go further than 'putthing them down like a rabid dog' - Ideally speaking I see no reason to add suffering, it would only be one's own vengeance 'attempting' to satisfy itself, very destructive - I see no good that can come of it. And since I don't believe in 'Free-Will' I don't find it to be a good approach at all. Merely 'disposing of' is the furthest I world go. And like I said - I think we'd somehow have to 'know' - and how can we? I think the risk of killing innocent people is too great to have it as a law...I'd rather guilty people go than innocent people be executed. So that's why I wouldn't even go with the 'putting them down' thing - because as a law the risk is too great. And how you would react if a family member dies can be very different to how you should react...
Consider the following hypothetical scenario for instance: What if you kill someone for killing a family member but it turns out you'd got the wrong person and you killed someone innocent - just as the real killer did your family member. Since if they had simply been arrested and/or questioned and then it was realized that it wasn't them - then police could search for the real killer rather than having someone else innocent die at your hands. From the family of this innocent victim's perspective you could seem just as bad to them as the killer of your family member does to you...they may not even sympathize because they might think you're 'just as bad' because you 'stooped down' to the level of the killer of your family member. And if they somehow can see it from your perspective a bit - I bet they'd still be very angry and upset (assuming they loved their family member) - it's hardly going to seem different to them if different at all, I think.
What do you think of this hypothetical scenario?
I think what would happen in practice--because of how much you love your family--can be very different to what should be so - in principle.