(November 5, 2011 at 4:28 pm)padraic Wrote: At the Catholic school I attended I was taught there are no unforgivable sins. That the greatest sin is despair.[/quote]
(TS Shagnasty)
This is interesting. Do you know if this is a common teaching in the Catholic church or was isolated to your school?
I have entertained the possibility that the unforgivable sin doctrine was the result of some sort of mistranslation/misinterpretation of the Bible. One would assume that a doctrine like this would somewhat parallel that of the Catholics. I don't see why this wouldn't be so, but then again my knowledge of Catholicism is somewhat minimal especially when it comes to doctrine.
BTW, out of curiosity what's the origins of the don't eat meat on friday doctrine? I recall reading something about it in a history book but I can't remember fully. Anyone know?
I have studied the Bible and the theology behind Christianity for many years. I have been to many churches. I have walked the depth and the breadth of the religion and, as a result of this, I have a lot of bullshit to scrape off the bottom of my shoes. ~Ziploc Surprise