Hello! I'm a newbie too AND a deist (brought up RC but not very good at following ALL the rules).
I believe in a creator, but only to set the ball in motion. The Universal Gardner may well be tinkering but if he is, evolution is his tool. Butterfly wings obviously evolved and if you read any entomology texts, you would see many "stepping stones" that lead from a basic to a complex and colourful wing. I'm afraid your problems here are a lack of study, comprehension and imagination. I know that sounds a bit rude but trust me, I don't mean it in that way.
As far as I am concerned, there is no testable scientific theory that is incompatible with the existence if a God.
I believe in a creator, but only to set the ball in motion. The Universal Gardner may well be tinkering but if he is, evolution is his tool. Butterfly wings obviously evolved and if you read any entomology texts, you would see many "stepping stones" that lead from a basic to a complex and colourful wing. I'm afraid your problems here are a lack of study, comprehension and imagination. I know that sounds a bit rude but trust me, I don't mean it in that way.
As far as I am concerned, there is no testable scientific theory that is incompatible with the existence if a God.
Love 'n' hugz,
Lord Chad
4th Earl of Catsuit
There is nothing more dangerous than a man who knows he is right.
Lord Chad
4th Earl of Catsuit
There is nothing more dangerous than a man who knows he is right.