Ethical principles: Think and Care
I guess that means I am closest to virtue ethics, but with a healthy dose of consequentialism thrown in.
There are several different trolley problems. I assume no other knowledge about the people involved.
1. Divert a train coming up to a split to 1 or 5: choose to save 5
2. Train headed to 5 but can be diverted to 1: probably save 5
3. Push 1 onto the tracks to save 5: This one bothers me. I probably would not push.
If further knowledge is available, the answers might differ. For example, I would push a mega-church preacher with no qualms.
I guess that means I am closest to virtue ethics, but with a healthy dose of consequentialism thrown in.
There are several different trolley problems. I assume no other knowledge about the people involved.
1. Divert a train coming up to a split to 1 or 5: choose to save 5
2. Train headed to 5 but can be diverted to 1: probably save 5
3. Push 1 onto the tracks to save 5: This one bothers me. I probably would not push.
If further knowledge is available, the answers might differ. For example, I would push a mega-church preacher with no qualms.