I could support the death penalty from a purely pragmatic angle, if executing one guilty life inspired 10 murderers not to kill then I suppose it would be a worthwhile trade. I've never bothered much with the statistics so I'll leave that for someone else to weigh.
Aside from that I think that killing someone for a crime that they committed more than a decade ago is just plain wrong. If you want to chop someone's head off so badly then why don't we make the accuser hold the axe? Honestly, we want to kill but also be perfectly sanitary and make it as painless as possible, well which is it? Do you want righteous avengement or life-long suffering?
Aside from that I think that killing someone for a crime that they committed more than a decade ago is just plain wrong. If you want to chop someone's head off so badly then why don't we make the accuser hold the axe? Honestly, we want to kill but also be perfectly sanitary and make it as painless as possible, well which is it? Do you want righteous avengement or life-long suffering?