(November 29, 2011 at 7:28 pm)The Prophet Wrote: This is a very important election. This year is like no other. Little by little, I notice our freedoms are under assault. I think we can all agree that everyone, bar Dr. Paul, in the Republican field is batshit insane. I mean, during the debate on foreign policy, when Santorum was talking about Muslims, he sounded like Hitler speaking about Jews. Now, I respect your intent and right to vote for Obama, but wouldn't you rather have a real choice in this election? Wouldn't you want to see Obama defend his policies against someone who the status quo didn't decide we can vote for? I urge you all to switch your registrations to Republican, just to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries, so he makes it to the general. When that comes, if you still want to vote for Obama that is absolutely your choice. But we shouldn't let the elites and the media decide who we can vote for!
Ron Paul may be the best of current options, but that doesn't make him suddenly palatable.
Though, if it boils down to voting in the local primaries, I'm going to vote in the repub primaries for Huntsman or Paul. Why? Because batshit never deserves a fighting chance.
As the incumbent historically wins, it would be rude of me to not let the Republican party know that I, as a voter, disapprove of their evangelical, fascist hijinks. The DNC can have it's echo chamber. Maybe it will grow them some balls.
If Paul or Huntsman win their primaries, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But if any other BS repub wins, I'm gonna have to liquor myself up and vote Odrama.
Slave to the Patriarchy no more