(December 3, 2011 at 6:33 pm)LarissaAnn Wrote: I requote myself from another thread:
God's son was killed by mankind according to his own will, God sent his son to earth to die for mankind...basically by proxy murdering his own child, even when said son prayed to be delivered...and as a result decrees that anyone who doesn't accept his son's forced sacrifice is going to burn in hell forever.
That's God for you.
Quote:Here on Earth, a pedophile murders a child (same concept innocent life ended horribly) and we as humans mercifully end the killers life by painless lethal injection, no torture, no burning, no pain because those are our laws. Does the sicko deserve worse than that, damn right he does, but we as humans, at least the decent ones, may wish for but do not carry out that kind of barbarity because we see that it is wrong. Looks like God could learn from us about morality not vice versa.
So, if we have a sense of what is truly moral, but God does not, and we are contingent beings. Where then does moral consciousness come from? Looks like we've just pushed God back one more step in the chain.
Quote:Furthermore look at this list of people God says to kill or does kill in the bible....he's quite an avid murderer if you ask me. We have no such list saying KILL ALL THESE PEOPLE beyond those who murder first:[snip]
It's God's universe. He can and does kill every living thing, ultimately. He's the God of life; He's the God of death. But then "God" would have to be, wouldn't he?