(December 4, 2011 at 8:04 am)Justtristo Wrote: The scary bit about all this, is that Newt could become the next president of the United States of America.
I do have to ask the following question what is wrong with a large slice of the American public?
After pondering this for a short while, I have to offend many members here by telling you that American's in general are selfish, ignorant and immensely gullible, proof of this is the 2004 Bush re-election. Newt Gingrich would be laughed at in every country in Europe except Italy, as would all the Republican nominee's with the probable exception of John Huntsman, who'd just be laughed at for being a Mormon. I think the whole world has a nervous laugh when it comes to the US Presidential elections.
Don't take it personally American pals, but your country is filled with nutters.