RE: Isaiah 53, 700 B.C: Historical Evidence of the Divine Omniscience.
July 26, 2023 at 6:26 am
(This post was last modified: July 26, 2023 at 6:30 am by Nishant Xavier.)
"The prophet office did not include foretelling future events"
Lolol, has to be the most hilarious things I've ever read.
The very definition of a Prophet is to foretell future events.
Every Israelite Jew knows that the Prophets foretold the Messiah.
Don't have time to type out detailed replies now, but will get back to that later after work.
For now, an video on how a person from a Jewish background who hated Jesus Christ slowly had his heart opened to the Gospel by the Holy Spirit as the evidence became overwhelming.
"Once an Enemy, now a Brother | Israelis meeting their Messiah"
"Noam, from a religious Jewish background, saw our evangelistic videos and started spewing out curse words at us. But then something beautiful happened...
God is opening the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah more than any time in 2,000 years!" May Rabbi Yeshua help our Jewish Friends come to see the wonderful Truth in time. The Gospel really is Good News - that's what it means - Good News for All People everywhere, but especially for the Jews and the People of Israel, that God loves then with a Special Love and wants them to recognize their own Jewish Messiah.
Lolol, has to be the most hilarious things I've ever read.
The very definition of a Prophet is to foretell future events.
Every Israelite Jew knows that the Prophets foretold the Messiah.
Don't have time to type out detailed replies now, but will get back to that later after work.
For now, an video on how a person from a Jewish background who hated Jesus Christ slowly had his heart opened to the Gospel by the Holy Spirit as the evidence became overwhelming.
"Once an Enemy, now a Brother | Israelis meeting their Messiah"
"Noam, from a religious Jewish background, saw our evangelistic videos and started spewing out curse words at us. But then something beautiful happened...
God is opening the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah more than any time in 2,000 years!" May Rabbi Yeshua help our Jewish Friends come to see the wonderful Truth in time. The Gospel really is Good News - that's what it means - Good News for All People everywhere, but especially for the Jews and the People of Israel, that God loves then with a Special Love and wants them to recognize their own Jewish Messiah.