Started playing No Man's Sky again, after a very long time out, but this time on PC. I used to play on xbox, but then it started having crashing issues, so that was one of the main reasons I stopped, but hoping the performance will be better on PC. My theory is that the crashes were a result of them reducing the size limit of bases so it couldn't handle my bigger bases any more. But never felt great about leaving it because it is an awesome game, but the longer and longer I did leave it, the more and more out of the loop I got (since there have been many major content updates since I played)... and forgot most of it... so starting again from scratch now on PC.
I've been toing and froing about going back to it for ages, but finally settled on going for it now, cos why not... it's 50% off right now because a major update has just dropped and at least on PC you can get multiplayer for free (ie I don't subscribe to PS Plus or xbox live and thankfully Steam doesn't seem to have an equivalent), and multiplayer in NMS is a lot of fun. I remember playing once (at a time when I did have xbox live) and ending up in someone's Twitch stream, and when I found their video they were in the foreground describing something and there was me in the background being chased back and forth by a Sentinel (little flying robots). It was just hilarious... I so wish I had that clipped
I've been toing and froing about going back to it for ages, but finally settled on going for it now, cos why not... it's 50% off right now because a major update has just dropped and at least on PC you can get multiplayer for free (ie I don't subscribe to PS Plus or xbox live and thankfully Steam doesn't seem to have an equivalent), and multiplayer in NMS is a lot of fun. I remember playing once (at a time when I did have xbox live) and ending up in someone's Twitch stream, and when I found their video they were in the foreground describing something and there was me in the background being chased back and forth by a Sentinel (little flying robots). It was just hilarious... I so wish I had that clipped