Yes. It's still a good thing to do, but the motivation matters.
If I give a 100 because I feel empathy, or I give a 100 because I'm filming it for my matters, right?
Of course, the real issue is that religion never stops at the doing good. Its always comes.with strings attached, like supernaturalism, or creationism, or genital mutilation, or homophobia, or sexism, or whatever. There's no religion that just believes in giving and nothing else whatsoever.
If I give a 100 because I feel empathy, or I give a 100 because I'm filming it for my matters, right?
Of course, the real issue is that religion never stops at the doing good. Its always comes.with strings attached, like supernaturalism, or creationism, or genital mutilation, or homophobia, or sexism, or whatever. There's no religion that just believes in giving and nothing else whatsoever.