Quote:Wow, someone is really mad.Yup..Im mad and I dispise you.
Quote:And yes, I care deeply about the wellbeing and future of my own race and people.Bullshit, because if you new ANYTHING about history and genetics you would now that your peoplare MY people and THEIR people are OUR people and we are all HUMANS. You dont care about your people. You only care about people who look like you, and even then you would have them be subjected to massive authoritarianism, encouraging them to shit upon the rest of their family. The HUMAN family. We can all mate and have offspring, which means we are all genetically the same race. If you refuse to understand that then fuck you and go the fuck away.
Quote:Since you live in a racially...diverse country which has a name based on a continent(America), rather than a people, like my country, whose name means "land of the Turks", it'd seem almost natural if I care for the wellbeing of Turks as a primary goal.Yes, because your family lineage stretches all the way back to the forming of Turks in your land, and has nothing to do with every other humans common decent from the southern most tip of Africa...and laughably you talk as if no other Turk has interbred between other cultures. God DAMN you are fucking stupid!!!
Lets look up the definition and origin of Turkey...shall we

Land of Göktürks, a NOMADIC (otherwise knwon as NON-INDIGINOUS) tribes in medieval Inner Asia. In other words, your "pure race" has fucked and spat out babies from Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Africans, ...and here recently everyone around the whole fucking world.
Hey dipshit..there is no such thing as a "pure bred turk" any more than there is a "pure bred white man".
Quote:Besides, there is something special about my race.TRANSLATION: There is something special about ME, and this is all of the bullshit I have concocted to make myself seem special...you best take me serious or I break you leg!!!
RESPONSE: If I break you leg, does that mean you turkish race no special?
Quote:That is, we are not you.biology fail.... you are a fucking idiot. If you were not "us" then you and "we" would not be able to procreate.
Quote:We are different, seperate, and we have our own qualities, you have yours.historically and biologically illiterate..Im not suprised. You are just as much as a mutt as I am. The difference? I admit it where as you are infested with delusions of grandeur.
Quote:Besides, it doesn't really matter if there are Turkish women who are sluts(and be assured, there are). What I don't get is why you put an emphasis on being a *slut*. Like since there are Turkish sluts aswell, this should justify the wrong behaviour of sluts around the earth. To be honest, it does not.Because you made it a several post topic of how much you looked down upon those of European modern decent. You tried as hard as you could to make modern europeans (who are now very much mutts) look as if they are trash just because they are willing to fuck you easily
So tell me...if a woman not of your color is willing to easily fuck you, does that make her a slut? Did you fuck her back? Doesnt that make you a slut as well? you claim to have racial "specialness" yet you claim to have had many women from London and England. What...you didnt turn down the "non-special women". you stuck your special dick in their non-special va jay jay? You are a fucking user, a moron, and a scum.
BTW, if you fuck sluts, then you ARE a slut you fucking dumbass slut..and so much for that "special race" bullshit that you drag on about when you stick your dick so willingly in every fucking non-Turkish hole and drag on about "my breed is special". IDIOT!
Quote:Oh, and I'm the threat to your "world peace"?racist idiots such as yourself have caused much harm to humanity...YES..you are a threat to world peace..your ignorance justifies tyranny in the name of your stupid delusions of grandeur.
Quote:Obviously, swearing to get your point across presents a perfect example on how to act in society.Right, because you suggesting that you are a special race isnt an insult to me...oh no...only I insulted you. How dare I insult those of the "true Turkish"race... kindly fuck off.