Quote:Sure. Humanism, answer to everything. By the way, what did this huge family you speak of ever do for me, let alone anyone else around the world?Of course you see through that crap..because you just made that up. You have strawmanned my entire response. Please go back to my last response and re-read it again. This time try to work on your retention skills. If you can manage that, then you would see that not once did I mention humanism in my response. In fact, I clearly am aware that I have NEVER discussed humanism with you even since you have joined this forum.
I see through this humanistic crap.
What I was bringin up was BIOLOGICAL FACT. You have justified my claim that you are scientifically illiterate by equating biology with humanism. Im even willing to bet you dont even know what humanism is.
Quote:Yes, I encourage my people to marry amongst their own. Just like our minorities encourage their people to marry amongst their own. We're propagating our blood and our superiority in this country by these means, and ensure the survival of Turkic presence, and the presence of our culture and language aswell. Besides, this was quite a widespread thing before your...humanism kicked in.Yes, and you are making me have the urge to go out and impregnate a Turk myself. Maybe one of your cousins. Then my kid would be 100% Turkish when he is born because, you know, he was born in Turkey. Then I will ship in some black guys and some Puerto ricans and some Mexicans and encourage them all to bread with Turkish women. If I do it right, in less than one generation people like you would become non-existeant and your country would become very diverse and will survive even better than your plans.
..and I wasnt talking humanism..I was talking about biology. Its not my fault you are fucking stupid and dont know the difference between the two.
Quote:I don't declare myself or my people of being a different species. But I think this is analogous to the way the dog has evolved.Oh great..Im about to get lectured on biology from somoeone who doesnt know the difference between biology and humanism...*sigh*...
Quote:It has different brees. But the dog has no mind, and knows not what characteristics his offspring will lose if it chooses to subject it's offspring to mixed blood,What you are describing is eugenics, and it was something that Hitler very much believed in. In reality their arent many facts backing up eugenics for humans. If you were scientifically literate you would already know that...but you arent, and prefer pseudo science instead.
P.S. - A dog very much has a mind. I point to the presence of dogs brains that they have a mind. you are so deluded that you are making stupid mistakes now to get your point across. You make a blatant mistake that dogs have no mind, and then use it to compare to your concept of human eugenics.
Its like a fail sandwich.
Quote:but technically, they are all the same species, but according to your way of thinking, we should allow all dogs to come around, and have mixed offspring until there is only a single, mongrel breed of pup....what are you dragging on about now?
Quote:We humans, aside from our characteristics as "breeds" also have different languages and cultures. You however, refuse to recognize that fact.I clearly recognize that things such as language and culture have absolutely NOTHING to do with genetics and EVERYTHING to do with people learning them. I can learn your customs and language better than you know it right now if I wished to spend time on it, and I dont have a single drop of Turkish blood in me several generations back. "Breeding" does not create language and culture. You are dead wrong even about simple things. Its actually quite embarassing.
Quote:If I want to break someone's legs, I generally do not put forward any sorts of conditionalities, or any warnings whatsoever.neither do I
Quote:Yeah, but I have not concocted myself anything at all. I just inherited these from my ancestors, and those did so from theirs. My point still stands. I am not Turkish because I say I am. I am Turkish because I was born TurkishYou are Turkish only if you are born in Turkey, or from parents who were born in Turkey themselves, and that is it. If your parents were both from Turkey and gave birth to you on American soil you would be an American, but also a Turk. My parents are both natural born Americans. If they gave birth to me on Turkish soil I would rightfully be a Turk regardless of how much you would beat your chest or rip your short hairs out. I would be a 100% Turk, white skinned, blue eyed, blond haired Turk. I would also be an American.
Quote:And there would be no other way, since my parents are also Turks. And their parents aswell. I don't have to come off and claim to be someone that I'm not. And unlike the most people of your country who claim dozens of ethnic heritages, without knowing their language, nor their culture, I lay claim on a single one, of which I know the language, and several cultures associated with it.You are proud of something which took NO effort for you to earn. You take pride in being born, and expect me to say "yeah, you and your people are special because look...they produced you" Your entire argument can easily be broken down to appeasing your own ego, because surely if you were born chinese you would be dragging on about how chinese need to be pure, and they need to find their sovereignty, and others things of that ilk. You lay claim on a single one, but you are in no way pure. your heritage very much has greek, Roman, Mongolian, etc...they are your cultures as well, yet you stick your nose up to them.
Either way I am an American..culture doesnt mean shit over here.
Quote:We're not you, and you are not us. And if you're not of us, then you're mostly irrelevant to me in our primary goals.I can just feel the love pooring out of your racist ignorant ass.
Quote:If you think you are, fine, do whatever you want to do, go and marry bantus, turks, arabs, irish, chinese...The definition of authoritarian is free for you to read online, but i cant make you read it. To put it clearly, I would abolish the state and the government. That is THE most ANTI-AUTHORITRIAN thing that anyone can do. You would know this if only you knew the definition of authority, which you have shown that you do not simply by suggesting that Anarchy would be MORE authoritative than your Khanate...which is mind bogglingly and stunningly WRONG!
But my eyes are open, and I have laid aside the false face of this so-called unity, for it only serves those who see themselves as "more unitarian than thou" types, such as yourselves.
And if you were on the top, that is, you'd be even more authoritarian than you claim I'd ever be.
Quote:I believe that it is you, who is deluded here. I never laid claim to anything that isn't mine. You however probably lay claim on things that aren't yours, and I'll be sure to demonstrate this fact if we have a "culture-off" thread some time later on...I dont get involved in race games with those who have proven themselves to be racist schmucks. Instead I prefer cutting the valve stems off the tires of their cars, or sugar in their gastanks. you deserve social punishment for your socially damaging viewpoints.
Quote:Since you are unable to find solece and refuge in any part of your life, you think that you will be able to find them in "humanity"?..says the man who must be so socially inept and mediocre that he has to hide behind "racially pure" non-sense in an apparent attempt to boost his self asteem.
Quote:My point was, that such types are becoming more and more common in the west, creating myths in Turkey that western girls are willing to sleep with you more so than your average Turkish girl isNow, do you think it is possible that such a rumor was spread more to be hate propaganda by racist Turks such as yourself, or that it is actual truth?
Im willing to bet my pay check that the rumor is race propaganda from ignorant twats such as yourself. Might as well say American blacks are lazy and Native Americans are all alcoholics. might as well say all turks are into bestiality.
Quote:actually, and from my own experiences, and those whom I know, and general public opinion amongst our youth, it is general knowledge. I'm not sure if the tourists who come here have any knowledge of this.LMFAO..you are such a goober...I just did a google search for "Turkish Porn" and produced 26 MILLION results. Site after site devoted to Turkish Porn. Looks like you turks are pretty easy too, just like us European decendants
But as a person who has stayed in Germany for three years, I could say that I've seen examples that made me believe that such topics as sexual restrain and morality do not really matter in Europe anymore.
Like, sexually explicit movies, aimed at teens aired after 8 pm?
Bravo magazines, which were the stuff of our wet dreams, easily accessible to even people under 12?
Surely, the west is not doing anything to change my opinion on them.
Quote:This proves my point. If she wouldn't be so willing, neither would I.Sure, I mean..she isnt "special" like you are, so it isnt your fault if she makes you think impure thoughts. Its her fault really. You arent sticking your special dick in her unspecial twat. She is putting her unspecial twat over your super special dick.
Besides, why should I?
Then again, I dont blame you. Europeans are hot, hot, hot and you know it. Thats why you get it on with them. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are in Sweden and the nordic countries. I dont blame you one second for not wanting to make love to a perfect body like a blond haired blue eyed northern European. I am a product of these northern European types, so I know what I am talking about. Sure, there isnt anything special about us, but we do have some very beautiful people...and you obviously recognize our beauty, because if you didnt agree that we were beautiful, then you would not be sticking your "special" dick into our women...would you?
Everytime you stick your dick in a European is you showing your support for world humanism, thankyou. Please be diverse and have children with other types of people, this is a good thing for humanity. Find yourself a nice black woman and settle down and have some kids. Humanism fully supports your freedom to want women from other countries..no need to be ashamed of it. I have had black pussy, white pussy, mexican pussy, french pussy, Hawaiian pussy. I have probably forgotten about more pussy than you have had..and, well, I see nothing special about me or them other than their individual personalities..or you for that matter..
Quote:And tell me, why shouldn't I, if I have the chance to do so?I dont blame you. the whole "Im racially superior" deal looks good on paper, but in real life it pushes the pussy away. So you have to act like someone that you arent to get pussy. apparently you being special doesnt add the ability for you to control your dick, because if you honestly believed all that racist bullshit you spout off, then you would not be sticking your dick in ANY girl other than a Turk. Blaming the non-turk girls for this only makes you look like an ignorant, conflicted asshole. By the way, if you fuck a slut, that makes you a slut. Also, the only way it would be the non-turk womans fault is if she forced you....did they force you, or did you willingly break your racial purity?
And as I said, "chance". I do not have the choice of going to a woman on the street and saying, "hello, I want to sleep with you", even if I were attractive and expect something in return...except, if that person is a slut.
So it generally comes down not on me, but on the opposing party to either refuse or accept.
I am just taking advantage of a privilige I've been given there, not going around, and allowing others to take advantage of me.
Then again, like I said, we europeans have quite possibly the most beautiful people on the planet..so I dont blame you for being infactuated with us and finding us sexy and attractive.
Quote:And frankly, you can have your humanity.But you dont do that. You go out and have sex with non-turkish women. you arent even practicing what you preach.
This is generally the reason why we should stick to eachother to protect ourselves, from you, since you have caused pain to humanity without being racist either.