Quote:This thread has inspired me to have sex with as many turkish women as possible.good for you man. ..and not just different races...try them skinny, fat, kind of fat, tall, short...Ive had all kinds of pussy. Mehmet talks about non-turkish women as if they are mindless dogs who need to be told not to mix their race...then he sticks his dick in them... then he blames them for him sticking his dick in them.
It takes two to tango Mahmet
Quote:I'm caucasian and I've dated many women over the years but a scant few of them were caucasian. The ideals of any skin color meaning that you're somehow more perfect than other skin colors is as stupid as it is unfounded.Im classified as a "meat popsicle"...LOL...albeit a horny one too boot...LOL...yeah, im one of those blond hair blue eyed pale skins just like you. That means living down south that I am a prime target for racist to share their racism with me. UGH... these unsavory types always piss me off thinking because Im white then I share in their stupidity and hate. fuck no, Ive had all types of pussy and god damn most of them were deeee EEEE LISHOUS!

Quote:Racism is a thing that deserves to die in the sands of time. One of the great benefits of the progress of humanity is that interracial relationships could potentially unite us as a species more than any politics or ideas ever could.Thats what i have been trying to hint to Moomet, but he just doesnt want to understand it. He prefers to be a racist who dips his wick in the "unspecial" women. But its okay, because its not his fault. If those German girls werent so damn HOT he wouldnt be race mixing.
After my argument with mairdmet I went to search for Turkish porn...hell yeah...and I have a high sperm count! Watch out Turkey, I will single handedly diversify your population!

Quote:Yeah! Post #1000!I buddy listed you and rated you up for this post as well...god damn you are a cool bitch! Too bad you dont live around the corner...just got my birthday bag and would love to have some cool types to smoke with right now.
I've celebrated my 1000th post by talking about how I like to have sex with women outside of my own race to a racist person.
Worth it