DoA Wrote:It seems the more fundementalist in a particular religion are, the fewer rights an example fundementalist person seems to give to women.These are the Authoritative personalities: "Might makes right." is a strong urge in this type of personality, but the greatest urge of this type of personality is "Do as I say, not as I do". As long as the "might" is doing what the "right"(i.e. the "authoritarian") told it to do, of course.
DoA Wrote:This is especially true when it comes to reproductive rights. Islamic faiths are infamous for how badly they treat women, but of course, this is endemic in most faiths.Controlling the women = controling the population. That is why I frown when I hear that women are more religous in America than men, when men are the ones who forced it upon them in the first place...or maybe it was the women who started it...there are plenty of godesses who dominated societites in the past.. in fact they were quite popular.
DoA Wrote:Christianity of course has issues with abortion and when you can and cannot have sex in reliation to age and marriage. Abstinence education in America being a poster-child of this sort of indoctrination. Given that humans enjoy their fucking too much at any age, this program, like the war on drugs for both similar and dissimilar reasons, has been a colossal failure.In my mind, that isnt wha a govt. should be about. Govt. should be about basic services. Govt. should not be in the business of telling people how to live their personal lives. Govt. should be a collection of safety codes, and measurement standards, and that is IT in my mind. "This is how wide 1/2 of an inch is" and "This is how clean your medical room should be" . It should not be setting value standards (such as money, religion, political, etc..), and it should not have a heirarchy. The sad fucking thing is that now that we have the introduction of Nuclear weapons it makes this amount of freedom seemingly unatainable.
DoA Wrote:In truth, just about any two humans from anywhere around the globe have more in common with one another than two sibling chimpanzees (or indeed most non-humans) thanks to an incident in human history in which the human race was reduced to roughly 18,500 individual human beings. Although that concept remains controversial, it only exists to explain why humans have relatively little genetic diversity.i am more engineering minded than biological minded. Even then I'm not ignorant about the living machinery. Quite frankly I have always thought that humanity was on the verge of extinction more than once in its early form of what we might closely call "human". Sure, I never had any evidence for it, and I would make that clear. But anyone who knows the history of biology on this planet would sort of "nod the head" of the very good chance that humanity (I'm talking "Lucy" era) might have come close to becoming extinct at least once, if not more. Hell, modern history shows disease like "The Black Death" killing off like 90% of the population.
So yeah, I nod my head in agreement with your controversial post.
DoA Wrote:What this means to my racist friend on this thread is this:Yes, that is what I meant to be put forth. I apreciate that you could read between the lines, so to speak.
The idea and your contrived necessity for races to breed only with themselves to remain somehow "pure" is entirely contrived and unsupported by anyone with knowledge about human biology.
DoA Wrote:I can understand that. I have a thing for white girls from behind the iron curtain like the Ukraine and Russia.The MILF's and Grannies over there are even HOT as hell. North eastern Europe is HOT HOT HOT.
![[Image: Beer_Wench21.jpg]](
...and the talented...
![[Image: beer%20wench%201213.jpg]](
...and the EXTREMELY talented...
![[Image: Oktoberfest-champion-with-19-beers.jpg]](
Beautiful and strong women...I know...I am married to a hlaf German woman. So I dont blame Moomet for realizing that he isnt so special, and therefore be willing to mix... Northern europeans are fine!
Iranians are hot as well...
DoA Wrote:The only problem is that her namesake is an accurate descriptor of the kind of person she is.They are VERY strong willed and physically strong. Moomet will probably argue against it, but chances are the German girl chose HIM, instead of him chosing her. He didnt fuck a German girl...German girl fucked him.
German girls I would think would have that same kind of vibe, if Kate Winslet's character in "The Reader" is any indication.
I know...I'm married to least half, that is...LOL
DoA Wrote:... now what was this thread about? Something about libertarianism? I think I had something meaningful to say about that since I'm definately not of the libertarian mindset but perhaps I'll come back later and make a post more relevant to the topic.
Well, the post isnt abut the American version of "libertarian" per se. Not jus the right wing semi "Glen Beck" type. In America, the word "Libertarian" typically refers to:
-right wing libertarians-
In other words they are very close to being 100% capitlaists. They follow the golden rule; "They who have the gold, makes the rules"
-Left wing libertarians-
Otherwise known in America as Democratic Socialists, Green Party, Noam Chomsky, etc...