Quote:A database released by Cruz this week formed the basis of an October report claiming over $2 billion of NSF's $9 billion budget went to "left-wing ideological crusades masked as 'academic research.'" The report also includes an appendix containing hundreds of DEI-related words. Parts of that appendix are currently being used by NSF staff to screen thousands of their active grants for compliance with President Trump's executive orders targeting diversity, equity and inclusion measures across the government.
"It's frustrating," says Brevik. "The sole goal was to share what's happening with everybody. It's not propaganda; there's no background agenda. Our goal is to help educate our youth."
The database included research grants from all corners of the country, large research institutions and small colleges. The list included projects aimed at finding better ways of synthesizing new medications; studying how to make self-driving vehicles safer; investigating how military service could help more women pursue science careers; figuring out why some proteins start to malfunction in ways that can lead to cancer.
Her NSF grant supports a project aimed at helping teachers and students develop community-based science research on the causes and effects of extreme heat and urban heat islands in racially and ethnically diverse communities, which are hit harder than suburban communities, which tend to be whiter and more affluent.
"The radical work that is being attacked is students walking around in their community, collecting temperature data or looking at maps and identifying a local issue of heat," she says. The overarching goal of her work is to try to understand "how do we get students to see themselves as scientists or science type people?"
I wonder how many Einsteins these assholes will drive overseas.