Quote:i DIDN'T SAY IT WAS EVIDENCE OR THAT IT WAS PROVEN. i simply stated that it WAS FOUND. i didn't claim it genuin, i just said it's the only artifact we can possibly attribute to Jesus
I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.
Found? Are you fucking kidding me? First off, the fact that you would even mention such an obvious fraud tells me that you are just a jerk.
But even without that, idiot xtians have been conned into all sorts of relics of fucking jesus ( there are enough pieces of the "true cross" across Europe to build a house! ). The reason there are no artifacts "of jesus" is that there was no "jesus." That seems simple enough even for you to grasp.
Now, as to your fucking shroud which you insist on mentioning even though it is irrelevant to any serious discussion of anything. It was displayed in Lirey, France in 1390 where it was denounced as a fraud by the Bishop, Pierre d'Arcis. What was displayed was a rather garish painting. For 500 years the image faded as preservation was not a well-understood concept. In 1898 an Italian photographer took a picture of it and in one of the great cases of pareidolia thought he saw a "face" in the image. Its the same phenomenon that has jesus showing up on cheese doodles, skillets, water stains, and dog's assholes. The only difference here is that there are undoubtedly the remains of whatever some unknown French artist painted in the 13th century as opposed to the others which are, simply, idiots being idiots.