Glenn M Miller:
Sounds like a complete dickhead to me.
I can see why morons would fall all over him just as they do with anyone who tells them that their fucking fairy tales are true.
Kindly go fuck yourself and your Tectonics stable of horseshit. What's next from you? Answersingenesis?
Quote:Glenn M. Miller, committed evangelical disciple of Jesus Christ for the last40 years of my life, research/writer/speaker, IT business executive, father of three gifted, delightful, over-stimulated, people--all seeking, questioning, open-minded, authentic people [one lives in Philly, one lives in heaven, and one lives in Ft. Collins CO]. Amateur philosopher, theologian, divorced (still a little ashamed, but forgiven), mild MaiTai-er, extreme empathetic, serious but passionate about the deep issues of life/existence. I currently live in Mississippi.
Sounds like a complete dickhead to me.
I can see why morons would fall all over him just as they do with anyone who tells them that their fucking fairy tales are true.
Kindly go fuck yourself and your Tectonics stable of horseshit. What's next from you? Answersingenesis?