It's probably appropriate to remind everyone that the Founding Fathers did not want a democracy. They created a republic. In this republic of theirs the individual states determined suffrage and in 1787 that meant that with few exceptions only white, male, property owners could vote at all. Presidents were selected by an electoral college ( an anachronism which still exists to this very day ) and senators were elected by their state legislatures. Only the House of Representatives were directly elected by those people who were actually allowed to vote.
Were the Founding Fathers to come back today they would be aghast at what has been done to their carefully crafted White Man's Club. A constitution which was written to do one thing has been massaged, manipulated, and is now a creaking monstrosity held together with duct tape.
However, when certain idiots....let's make up some names, Sarah Palin and Ron about restoring their beloved "constitution" ( which they probably never read ) it is important to remember what it is that they are pining for.
Were the Founding Fathers to come back today they would be aghast at what has been done to their carefully crafted White Man's Club. A constitution which was written to do one thing has been massaged, manipulated, and is now a creaking monstrosity held together with duct tape.
However, when certain idiots....let's make up some names, Sarah Palin and Ron about restoring their beloved "constitution" ( which they probably never read ) it is important to remember what it is that they are pining for.