(October 7, 2008 at 12:07 am)EvidenceVsFaith Wrote: Improbable never means impossible.
Nothing's impossible?
And probable always means possible.
Everything's possible?
Probability and improbability are two components of any statistic law.
If you say that 50% of chain smokers of a certain group of people will die of cancer in the next 10 years that means the the probabilty of dying is 50% for all the members of the group but for a particular John it might mean to morrow ar in 20 years time.
The causality of the law is here expressed by the equation : "chain smoking=unnatural approaching of death.
On the margins of that equation we see the the improbability component which says that for a particular member the probability transforms itself in random improbability.
Religion is exploiting this randomness component in order to introduce the belief in Fate or more generally the belief that your live is controlled by the inscrutable will of God.
RD did not treat this aspect in his TGD(or may be I did not find something related to it).