To the OP,
In situations like these I find that it is best to try to empathize with the person you disagree with. It seems hard for you to understand how your mom might feel. I have been in the same position with my own mom. she is a Christian who never reads the bible or thinks about her religion much if at all. It is more like an assumed position, as it is with many Christians: "Of course there is a God, how could there not be one?" To understand it I would have to substitute a belief that I actually have, "I like meat, it is tasty why would I NOT eat it?"
Then I imagine a vegitarian or vegan hanging out with me and trying to talk to me about meat eating. How long would I suffer a person spouting off that meat was wrong? Not long at all! The subject would be of such little interest that even if the veggie/vegan was very well behaved and rational I would summarily dismiss the subject as worthy of my time. With my mom it is the same way, we have talked about it a little and found that we are both intransigent in our positions, so we talk about any other topic that might be of mutual interest, like I would with any other of my friends.
In situations like these I find that it is best to try to empathize with the person you disagree with. It seems hard for you to understand how your mom might feel. I have been in the same position with my own mom. she is a Christian who never reads the bible or thinks about her religion much if at all. It is more like an assumed position, as it is with many Christians: "Of course there is a God, how could there not be one?" To understand it I would have to substitute a belief that I actually have, "I like meat, it is tasty why would I NOT eat it?"
Then I imagine a vegitarian or vegan hanging out with me and trying to talk to me about meat eating. How long would I suffer a person spouting off that meat was wrong? Not long at all! The subject would be of such little interest that even if the veggie/vegan was very well behaved and rational I would summarily dismiss the subject as worthy of my time. With my mom it is the same way, we have talked about it a little and found that we are both intransigent in our positions, so we talk about any other topic that might be of mutual interest, like I would with any other of my friends.