(February 24, 2012 at 12:52 pm)reverendjeremiah Wrote: "murder" is a legal terminology. Killing a cow is not murder in that killing cows are legal. In astate that makes abortion illegal, then yes, it can be considered murder. In states where abortin is LEGAL, then no, it is NOT murder.
Killing is killing. MURDER is killing unlawfully.
I never said it was murder. I argued it was tantamount to murder, which is true enough; the only difference between abortion and murder is that abortion is legal. Killing a cow is not murder because a cow is not a human; the definition of murder we are using here was already given by Rev Rye.
(February 24, 2012 at 12:56 pm)Minimalist Wrote: Worse for our "libertarian" he is not above having the government ( gasp!) do the dirty deed for him.
When you start speaking about inconsistency, boss, you ought to look in a mirror.
Libertarianism does not call for the abandonment of the government, it calls for the limitation of the government to the protection of people's rights. This isn't an inconsistent position to have, since the right to life is ranked higher than the right to choose what you do with your body (when those rights come into conflict). Thus, the government should protect the right to life of the unborn child.