(February 26, 2012 at 12:12 pm)reverendjeremiah Wrote:(February 26, 2012 at 2:29 am)Undeceived Wrote:(February 24, 2012 at 6:20 pm)reverendjeremiah Wrote:(February 24, 2012 at 3:09 pm)Undeceived Wrote: So you're saying yes, it's human life, but as long as that life is within your physical confines you can do with it whatever you please? If I put a midget in my stomach would I automatically have supreme power over he/she? You'll say I had the choice to put it there, but so does the woman.
It is the womans umbilical cord...she can cut it for any reason...ANY REASON.
You’re working on your third-story roof with a friend. He slips but just catches hold of an electrical cord. He’s hanging thirty feet over a concrete sidewalk. Do you have the right to cut the cord? It’s yours.
And yes, there you go again. Compairing apples and oranges.
Is the extension chord biologically connected to me?
Is the extension chord sapping my nutrients and giving them to the other man?
Did the other man come about from the very biological building blocks of my body?
Is the man currently inside of my body and part of my body?
So being biologically connected gives you power over another individual's rights? I don't think Siamese twins are allowed to murder each other.
No one gets an abortion simply because their nutrients are being sapped. A person is a person. You don't want to share your food? Don't have a kid. (You're not arguing about rape victims so neither am I.)
It seems we're having trouble putting a definition on "person," and when a baby becomes one. Think about this: 50% of the time the baby is a different gender from the mother, and 50% of the time they have a different blood type. A pregnant woman goes in for a blood transfusion. She says, "I need A positive for myself and O negative in here." She points to her belly. "And by the way, it's a male." Are you telling me that baby is still only tissue? Where do you draw the line? Is a baby tissue at 24 weeks but a human being at 24 weeks and 1 day? How can you tell?