What I wanna eat for later is steak. STEAK. Delicious rib-eye. Mmmm...
And mashed po-tay-toeses! I love mashed potatoes so damn much.
...Great, now I can't stop thinking about food. HOW AM I STILL SO SKINNYY?! I defy nutritional sciences, I swear.
Tyranids are a pretty beast army, no pun intended. Helps that much of their big firepower is all Monstrous Creatures, makes them hard as piss to kill. Still...something to be said for the Grey Knights; gotta love having an army of storm-bolter-equipped guys who weapons that can ignore armor and can insta-kill anyone or anything regardless of their remaining wounds. ...Like a Hierophant! >
They're actually kinda hard to play as, though; if the dice are even slightly finnicky, the game can get really hard in a hurry.
Yeah, for the Fallout universe, my character is essentially a guy who was imprisoned during the riots just before the nuclear holocaust and was in cryostasis, preparing for transportation to Big Mountain to be a science experiment, but the nukes hit before he could be dropped off. The chambers with other prisoners fail but his is left running by sheer luck just long enough for a scavenger to stumble over him. So he gets to experience the world he knew having been blown away 200 years ago; I'mma have fun with the trauma that'll inflict on him. >
I'm not too huge into steampunk though I like the aesthetics quite a bit, but I mostly prefer the art-deco designs a la Fallout, and the "nukepunk" sort of thing with 1950s "Science!" themed stuff; old, classy, almost zany yet still really cool designs, I always loved that.
And mashed po-tay-toeses! I love mashed potatoes so damn much.
...Great, now I can't stop thinking about food. HOW AM I STILL SO SKINNYY?! I defy nutritional sciences, I swear.
Tyranids are a pretty beast army, no pun intended. Helps that much of their big firepower is all Monstrous Creatures, makes them hard as piss to kill. Still...something to be said for the Grey Knights; gotta love having an army of storm-bolter-equipped guys who weapons that can ignore armor and can insta-kill anyone or anything regardless of their remaining wounds. ...Like a Hierophant! >

Yeah, for the Fallout universe, my character is essentially a guy who was imprisoned during the riots just before the nuclear holocaust and was in cryostasis, preparing for transportation to Big Mountain to be a science experiment, but the nukes hit before he could be dropped off. The chambers with other prisoners fail but his is left running by sheer luck just long enough for a scavenger to stumble over him. So he gets to experience the world he knew having been blown away 200 years ago; I'mma have fun with the trauma that'll inflict on him. >

I'm not too huge into steampunk though I like the aesthetics quite a bit, but I mostly prefer the art-deco designs a la Fallout, and the "nukepunk" sort of thing with 1950s "Science!" themed stuff; old, classy, almost zany yet still really cool designs, I always loved that.