I don't believe in 'free will' because I see no reason to. I don't think people feeling they have free will is worth much on its own. People's feelings and intuition are unreliable for establishing facts.
I don't even really understand what the hell free will is supposed to be anyway. If this free will exists in a physical-only world then it needs to be demonstrated that physical things can behave in a non-deterministic, non-random manner, since determinism and possibly 'randomness' are the only things the evidence currently indicates. If free will exists outside the physical world, then this non-physical world will need its existence demonstrated in the first place.
This, of course, isn't a flat out denial of free will; I just can't see any reason to take for granted that it exists.
I don't even really understand what the hell free will is supposed to be anyway. If this free will exists in a physical-only world then it needs to be demonstrated that physical things can behave in a non-deterministic, non-random manner, since determinism and possibly 'randomness' are the only things the evidence currently indicates. If free will exists outside the physical world, then this non-physical world will need its existence demonstrated in the first place.
This, of course, isn't a flat out denial of free will; I just can't see any reason to take for granted that it exists.