Quote:What is the Catholic version of OE?
In a word, 'ambiguous'. At the Catholic school I attended,I was taught evolution as science,without equivocation.
I was taught the Book of Genesis is allegory,not literal truth.So yes,I was also taught,the earth may have been created in six days. However,for all we know,each day may have been billions of years in duration.(the Hindus have a similar notion of 'god time')
Catholics are also rather embarrassed about the Book of Revelations,and tend to ignore it. Many Catholics do not understand why Revelations is included in the Canon as it is obscure to the point of absurdity.(I've always thought persons known as 'John Of Patmos' were under the influence of some halucinogen)
Quote:Some faithful Catholics believe that God created the universe and all that is in it exactly word for word as it is laid out in Genesis - a young earth. Other good Catholics believe in an old earth. The Church has no defined Dogma regarding the specifics of how the earth and the human body were created. Nor does it think that we have to nail that down to be saved.