Hey guys, cool forum
Little about me:
I'm Mark, i'm from New Zealand. 19 years old.
I'm a: Secular, Liberal, Humanist, Athiest, Skeptic, Musician, Physicalist and recreational life-liver.
I was an Athiest for many years, and have recently upgraded my status to Anti-Theist
I started life in a non christian home believing in God and Jesus and all that, my parents never bought it up, they knew i'd figure out it was all crap eventually.
My awakening happened very young, about the age of 6 i wondered why people bought this shit at all, it had something to do with Bible classes in primary school which first introduced me to all the bullshit in the bible, specifically Noah's Ark.
From as young as i can remember i was an Egyptoholic, loved their myths and legends and cultures, used to read books on the gods all the time, i was also into Zeus and co, King Arthur and the little engine that could.
I couldn't tell the difference between all these gods at the time, i decided i was going to be on Ra's Team, cause he was so much cooler than Yahweh, and i could actually see what he was up to, pulling the sun around the earth and what not. I decided to tell my bible studies teacher that i believed in Ra to which they (Elderly couple who came in to school specially to teach the class) rebutted with all sorts of nonsense about how it was all crap but for some reason their chosen myth wasn't.
After that point i wasn't too sure about anything, but still knew Ra was cooler. My faith in Jew-Zombie who magically got his own mum pregnant was gone.
When i was 8-9 i remember being in bible class one day (it was mandatory) and we were given these workbooks to fill out. I was well past the point of return by then, i couldn't stomach the bullshit anymore, i filled in this entire 40-odd page book with nothing but "Jesus is gay", "God is a homo", "Bible sucks" etc. Some little Christian bitch in class told on me and i was removed from the class by the teacher and she dragged me off to the Principal's office. When i got there he was basically on my side, i remember the look on the crack-whores face when i didn't even have to apologise and got out of bible-class forever.
Forward 10 years, i watched the athiest experience on youtube and that got me hooked on Athiesm/Skepticism/Anti-Theism, mostly because:
1) People believing stupid things is funny
2) Mocking their beliefs is even funnier.
And this doesn't stop at Religion, i also hate:
Astrology, Homeopathy, Psychics, People who meditate, Qualia, What the bleep to we know, hippies, the word "Metaphysics", people who talk about souls or spirits and anything associated with this completely fucking absurd imaginary dimension in which people place all their self-worth.
I've been hooked on the awesomeness that is Quantum Mechanics for quite some time now, recently got into Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy etc.
Big fan of Hitchens - Sums up the religions mentality and it's implications better than anyone while being fucking hilarious at the same time. Matt Dillahunty is also awesome.
I'm studying Network engineering at the moment (of the computer variety)
Nice to meet everyone, see you around the forums!
Little about me:
I'm Mark, i'm from New Zealand. 19 years old.
I'm a: Secular, Liberal, Humanist, Athiest, Skeptic, Musician, Physicalist and recreational life-liver.
I was an Athiest for many years, and have recently upgraded my status to Anti-Theist
I started life in a non christian home believing in God and Jesus and all that, my parents never bought it up, they knew i'd figure out it was all crap eventually.
My awakening happened very young, about the age of 6 i wondered why people bought this shit at all, it had something to do with Bible classes in primary school which first introduced me to all the bullshit in the bible, specifically Noah's Ark.
From as young as i can remember i was an Egyptoholic, loved their myths and legends and cultures, used to read books on the gods all the time, i was also into Zeus and co, King Arthur and the little engine that could.
I couldn't tell the difference between all these gods at the time, i decided i was going to be on Ra's Team, cause he was so much cooler than Yahweh, and i could actually see what he was up to, pulling the sun around the earth and what not. I decided to tell my bible studies teacher that i believed in Ra to which they (Elderly couple who came in to school specially to teach the class) rebutted with all sorts of nonsense about how it was all crap but for some reason their chosen myth wasn't.
After that point i wasn't too sure about anything, but still knew Ra was cooler. My faith in Jew-Zombie who magically got his own mum pregnant was gone.
When i was 8-9 i remember being in bible class one day (it was mandatory) and we were given these workbooks to fill out. I was well past the point of return by then, i couldn't stomach the bullshit anymore, i filled in this entire 40-odd page book with nothing but "Jesus is gay", "God is a homo", "Bible sucks" etc. Some little Christian bitch in class told on me and i was removed from the class by the teacher and she dragged me off to the Principal's office. When i got there he was basically on my side, i remember the look on the crack-whores face when i didn't even have to apologise and got out of bible-class forever.
Forward 10 years, i watched the athiest experience on youtube and that got me hooked on Athiesm/Skepticism/Anti-Theism, mostly because:
1) People believing stupid things is funny
2) Mocking their beliefs is even funnier.
And this doesn't stop at Religion, i also hate:
Astrology, Homeopathy, Psychics, People who meditate, Qualia, What the bleep to we know, hippies, the word "Metaphysics", people who talk about souls or spirits and anything associated with this completely fucking absurd imaginary dimension in which people place all their self-worth.
I've been hooked on the awesomeness that is Quantum Mechanics for quite some time now, recently got into Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy etc.
Big fan of Hitchens - Sums up the religions mentality and it's implications better than anyone while being fucking hilarious at the same time. Matt Dillahunty is also awesome.
I'm studying Network engineering at the moment (of the computer variety)
Nice to meet everyone, see you around the forums!