I am not begging the question. Begging the question is circular reasoning, not demanding evidence for your claims. You can't weasel out of it. You want to convince me god exists, I gave you my requirements. I'm not going to leave the point behind just because you want me to.
Omnipotence is logically contradictory. You can't make exceptions to suit your claims, sorry.
And if god sends souls to be punished for eternity, then he most certainly is an evil prick. Is there anything, ANYTHING you child could do that you would send to a basement to be tortured for eternity? Come on, be honest. Would you torture your child even for a week for not obeying you? I want to know.
Omnipotence is logically contradictory. You can't make exceptions to suit your claims, sorry.
And if god sends souls to be punished for eternity, then he most certainly is an evil prick. Is there anything, ANYTHING you child could do that you would send to a basement to be tortured for eternity? Come on, be honest. Would you torture your child even for a week for not obeying you? I want to know.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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